
WT004: Gareth Leonard – Brazilian World Cup, Creating & Living His Dream With A 5 Year Plan

Wandering Trader Podcast Small

Security or freedom?

Which would you rather have?

After Gareth Leonard and his business partners decided to sell the textbook company they had started in college it was time for a change. Then 25, Gareth decided it was time to stop chasing a paycheck and to start chasing something else.


A spur of the moment decision landed him in Argentina with a single goal, get a local job. From there he went on to execute the rest of his five year plan, each year living in a different country with a new goal.

  1. Get a local job in Argentina
  2. Learn to Salsa in Colombia
  3. Volunteer in Bolivia
  4. Work with Micro-financing in Guatamala

and last but not least

5. Find a job at the World Cup in Rio de Janiero

Gareth joins us today to talk about his journey to his own definition of freedom and to share his travel motto : Travel Deeper.

As the mind behind Tourist2Townie.com Gareth has a great belief that getting away from the tourist spots, away from the hostels, and spending more time with the locals in that corner bar will bring you miles closer to a heart of a country than anything else.

We’ll discuss how Gareth got to where he is today, what his best tips for traveling are, and his biggest tip for people looking to lead a lifestyle of travel.

Gareth choose freedom over security. Which would you choose?

Gareth Leonard Tourist2Townie

In this Episode You Will Learn About

  • Why Gareth decided to go a different direction after selling his company
  • What his 5 year plan was and how each of his goals panned out.
  • How he got a job working at the World Cup in Rio De Janiero.
  • That when you really want something, you have to put yourself out there.
  • Why you should get away from the tourists & hostels when you visit a new country.
  • How to start connecting with the local people anywhere you visit.
  • What the next 5 year plan is.

Links from this Episode

Thank You So Much For Listening!

Thank you so much for listening to the WanderingTrader Podcast.  If you liked what you heard today then I’m doing my job.  Feel free to let us know where you are listening to the podcast today with the social media buttons below.

Also, we want to hear your feedback! Reviews for the podcast on Itunes is incredibly important! We want to help get the word out so others can achieve their financial freedom and travel around the world.

Once we reach 150 reviews we are giving away a one year of free training program at The Day Trading Acadamy to one lucky podcast reviewer.  Make sure to enter your name and leave a review to get a chance to earn your freedom through day trading.  If you would like to leave a question on the review we will be happy to answer it on the show!

Music Credit: Freedom by King Avriel


  1. Hey Marcello, I’m following the podcasts and I already submitted my review on iTunes. So much success, I hope to be part of this great plan someday. Cheers, man!

  2. Heya

    Would be useful if you put in a list of places in text for us listening in. I want to research more on these places you’ve said but the spelling is hard to decipher

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