

map of south america, map of south america at night, map of argentina, itinerary around the world

My trips during stay in Argentina

My sincerest apologies to you my reader.  I have been so busy day trading and traveling that I forgot to update my blog and brag about what a great time I am having!  I had quite a blast in Argentina and could not possibly have seen any more of the country.  Almost every weekend I was in a different city and I have seen roughly 85% of all of the major (and minor) tourist attractions in Argentina.  I have since then experienced culture shock in more than 3 countries, broken and created new stereotypes about the Argentine people, cautioned you about how Buenos Aires is dangerous and there is more to come.  I’ve been getting better and better at bringing you more video which you will see more of…. including the video where I danced with a Penguin in Puerto Madryn, Argentina.

I have since moved to Santiago, Chile where I have an incredible 3 bedroom apt in the center of the city overlooking the Andes Mountains to the east, the city center and sunsets to the west, the bustling construction of high rises to the South, and sorry there aren’t any impressive views to the North.

  • Buenos Aires – Capital & 17th largest city in the world (as of 2010)
  • Cordoba – 2nd largest city in the country
  • Rosario – 3rd largest city in the country and birthplace of Che Guevara
  • Paraguay – The supposed cheapest capital in the world
  • Iguazu Falls – Most impressive falls in the world (2nd time on Argentine Side and 1st Brazil side)
  • Salta & surrounding region – The Argentine Southwest
  • Uruguay – The Argentine New Jersey (Montevideo – 2nd visit)
  • Bariloche – The Argentine Switzerland
  • Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) – Southern most EVERYTHING

Its bitter sweet to say goodbye to Argentina simply because of the gorgeous sites in the city of Buenos Aires.  I was able to buy 4 steaks for $10 and eat prime beef with no steroids or preservatives and veggies for $3 a meal.  Food in Santiago is significantly more expensive but housing is much cheaper so it does work out to be about the same if not a bit more expensive in Santiago (post coming soon).  I’ve met great people and met some great travel bloggers as well on my travels.  Keith from Traveling-Savage came to visit in Buenos Aires on his trip to Salta where I hosted someone for the first time with CouchSurfing.  I also met Jodi from Legal Nomads, who knew lawyers could have fun right?

Onward to Santiago, Easter Island, Boliva, and Antarctica!

Itineraries Around the World:


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