
The Brazilian Favela

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The entrance of the Brazilian Favela in Asuncion

If you didn’t know in Brazil they have specialized swat teams that enter the favelas since its so dangerous.  Brazil will be hosting the 2014 World Cup as well as Olympics in 2016, they are furiously cracking down on drug lords and gangs (see video here –> Brazil Favela Video).  I found this area unusual because it is literally steps away from the Presidential Palace in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay.

I could throw a rock from the presidential palace and it would land here in the favela.  While it wasn’t easy to actually to get to the capital, I had my heart set on entering the Brazilian favela until a man stepped out and advised me that I really REALLY did not want to enter.  Notice how low to the ground the picture is, if I would have made it any lower on the street I had a 200% chance of getting mugged.


  1. I’d say it’s a good thing you heeded his advice. There are plenty of safe ways to visit favelas but on your own is not one of them.

  2. Only one problem there, Paraguay is not Brazilian territory. It is a different country, so I really don’t see why tourists travelling to the World Cup in Brazil (one country) would go to Paraguay (another country).

    1. I never mentioned that tourists would be traveling to Paraguay Nay it was in referral to the Brazilian favela since this is a Brazilian favela in Paraguay. Many tourists are going to try and visit favelas when they are in Brazil for the world cup which is why I mentioned they should be very careful trying to do so… cheers

  3. I really did not understand what the relationship between the post about paraguay with Brazil. Faleva is not one single reality of Brasill and one lesson that i learned as a travel journalist is that every single place have it´s own particularities and subtleties … it´s not a brazilian favela in Paraguay, its a Paraguaian favela. It´s all.

    1. This is a Brazilian favela in Paraguay Davi. There are Brazilians living in the favela in the country of Paraguay. Just because this isn’t in Brazil it doesn’t mean that it isn’t a Brazilian favela

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