A country blessed with everything imaginable and something unique that most countries can only dream for including a gateway to Antarctica. From the animal friendly Patagonia and even the bustling cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires, Argentina offers something for every traveler (which can vary your Argentina travel tips greatly). They have wonders of the world with fascinating glaciers in the south and even one of the most fascinating water falls, the Iguazu Falls.
Living in Buenos Aires allowed me to tour the entire country of Argentina, I was able to amass incredible expertise about every city. Whether you are looking for a quick 2 week getaway or a chance to live in a foreign country, you can find great travel tips for Argentina.
For Argentina Travel Tips you can split the country into 4 different regions:
Iguazu Falls – One of the most amazing natural wonders of the world it puts Niagara Falls to shame.
Salta – Argentine’s version to the Southwest; incredible landscapes, unique rock formations, and a unique culture shock experience here
Patagonia – A rich land filled with any travelers desire; animals to interact with including penguins and sea lions, glaciers and snow capped mountains, gateway to Antarctica, and even
Buenos Aires – Not only one of the most cosmopolitan city in the world but also the 2nd & 3rd largest city in the country: Cordoba & Rosario.