I’ve been teaching day trading and traveling around the world now for nearly 5 years.
From the internet stricken countries of Africa.
The beautiful very beautiful beaches of Brazil.
Day trading with blackberry tethered 3g internet.
Even trading on top of freezers and ping pong tables.
I have seen it all as I have traversed over 80 countries and visited all 7 continents. If that wasn’t enough I have also lived in 12 countries spanning 5 continents. The only places I haven’t really explored (or traded from) is the far east.
Recently, I just finished visiting every major tourist attraction and country in South America.

Walking cheetahs in Zambia ~ Taj Mahal in India ~ My office in Rio De Janeiro in Brazil
My goal when I started was just to enjoy life andtravel/a> around the world. The beauty about the modern world is internet is only becoming and more and more reliable as time passes by.
If you want to receive a bit more information of how we make money day trading just sign up for the newsletter below (don’t worry it’s free). I’ll also you send a new day trading guide that we are working on so you know everything you need to know about getting started:
Day trading and traveling is actually possible as long as you have a reliable internet connection. The truth is you don’t even need a fast internet connection I have been able to day trade from internet connections as low as 1 meg download and .50 upload. It should be noted as well that trading is risky. It takes a lot of work and dedication and shouldn’t be confused with a get rich quick scheme. Without getting too technical about internet this means that I’ve been able to trade from locations where the internet is so poor it goes out when it rains.
**cough** Africa **cough**.
Roughly three years ago I was receiving requests to provide training to other people that had the same dream. They wanted to be able to not necessarily travel around the world, but have their financial freedom.
Not necessarily be millionaires but have enough money to not worry about money.
To be able to pick up anywhere around the world at a moment’s notice. What exactly is the great thing about this? The most special thing I have been able to do is actually see others live that dream. We have people that we call Master Traders that have begun to make money almost every single day.
Some didn’t decide to just travel, they decided to travel with their families.

My Day Trading Office in the neighborhood of Santa Theresa – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Just imagine the possibilities of that. A man quit his job and took his wife, kids, and mother to spend an entire month in Italy. I consider many of the traders that we train at The Day Trading Academy to be family so I did what any person would do. I picked up on a moment’s notice in order to be there for “his moment”.
The moment that he reached his dream.
This is what my dream has turned into. To be honest, day trading and traveling by myself gets a little boring sometimes. Every time that I have asked friends and family to travel with me I hear the same thing over and over again
“I have to work” or “I don’t have any time off”
At the end it is selfish. I decided that I would create more people that are able to day trade and travel around the world. That is where the name WanderingTrader comes from. A day traders that wander around the world.

When I met with Manny in Venice when he took his entire family to Italy
Everything from young men that want to travel, professional traders that are female which I call the Day Trading Angels (no Charlie though), and even men with families.
Being able to day trade and travel around the world isn’t the hardest thing in the world. I truly believe that anyone can learn how to day trade.
What we must understand that learning how to day trade is a skill that we have to develop. The best way to describe the process is when we start a new job. We are clumsy and we make many mistakes. After repetition and practice we become better and better. The only difference with day trading is that we have to continue learning because the market keeps changing.
I wanted to explain a little bit about what is possible with day trading because I receive so many questions on the topic.
We have started to train students at one of the most prestigious universities in Medellin, Colombia called EAFIT. Two of three interns were able to go live in just 3-4 weeks. This doesn’t happen all the time but it definitely is possible. Have a look below at the video of one our intern’s first live trade so you can see how easy it truly is:
For those that are new to the site you may not know that recently we gave away a free training program alongside a free trip to Jordan. The folks at the Jordan Tourism Board were gracious enough to invite us to see the entire country. I would highly recommend visiting as Jordan is the safest country in the Middle East.
Just six months later we had something incredible to celebrate. A special insider group of traders that we have investing in penny stocks (stocks that are under one dollar in value) and we were able to make gigantic returns. This trader in particular is up over $200,000 since the beginning of the year.
He quit his job and we celebrated on a trip to the Galapagos Islands.
The great folks at Quasar Expeditions invited us to a one week cruise aboard the historic and luxurious MY Grace Yacht. If you have ever wanted to go to the Galapagos Islands I would highly recommend Quasar!

First Day in the Galapagos Islands with Quasar Expeditions
His girlfriend is now quitting her job and he is taking a full month trip (probably more) through all of Southern Africa. It took him just 6 months and now he doesn’t have to worry about money, a job, or even be in a city he doesn’t like. Look forward to introducing his new travel site in the future as well.
There truly are a million ways to trade. Everything from timing, to amount of money, to even levels of expertise. I hope to share a bit more in the future on exactly what we do and how we do it, for instance, using auto title loans or other types of loans for startup funding as you begin your day trading career.
In the meantime you can sign up for the WanderingTrader newsletter below (don’t worry its free). I will also send you our day trading guide which will explain everything you need to know about day trading. As a bonus I will also send you access to list of travel contacts to be able to travel to many destinations around the world:
Until next time… stay profitable my friends.
I would love to get my head around day trading and make it work for me!
What instruments do you trade? And what timeframe do you trade? Interested in reading more!
We trade E-mini futures Phil. Time frame depends on the market.
There are better markets to trade.
Thanks for the inspiration!!! My wife and I are disenfranchised with the “American Way” and want to make life “Our Way”. Cost of living is way to high in California and we’ve found ourselves deeply intrenched in the rat race. You are and inspiration for me. We plan to leave the US and live a location independent. Thanks again.
Your welcome Nathan
Yes, it is really possible to trade while travelling. 🙂
I do something similar, only it deals with a lot of investors in Africa, and it is fully legit. I absolutely detest how you refer to some countries (even your own) as third world. This is very narrow minded and pejorative, especially coming from someone so well traveled.
How do you deal with the time difference for trading E-Mini futures in the US markets?
For the most part Ray the time is perfect until you get to the far east (Japan, Australia, etc). In those far east times it would be 11.30pm or later in the local time to trade. Other than that I find it to be okay. Even in Singapore it at 9.30pm which is manageable. I remember when I lived in Singapore I would eat dinner trade and then either go to sleep or go out and party. The perfect time is Europe/Africa all the way to about India.
Great site! I had the same reasons as you for getting into trading.
Until now, I’ve always taken a break from trading while traveling. Now that I’m getting out a bit more, I’d like to have the option. My main concern is online connection security. How do you handle this issue?
Many thanks.
Haven’t worried about it to be honest and have never had a problem. If you are going to get hacked you will get hacked.
Hey Marcello, hows it going man, I was watching international house hunters and saw your episode. You and your friend starting your trading company in Columbia. I have been trying to become consistent in my trading and would like to know if you can mentor me a little. I understand a lot I think, about how price moves, but have not found my niche, I feel like there is something I am missing and not seeing. Like you I love to trade, its my passion, I don’t want to do anything else, I am stubborn as a mule and I am a knowledge seeker and travel seeker. When I saw your episode I immediately identified with your personality! I would love to be apart of your team and with a little guidance I know I can be successful at this business. I read constantly about trading and stare at charts all day trying to find something that I can use to become profitable. I live in the states by the way. But with all that said, my email is Ottochaun@gmail.com I trade Forex at the moment.
Chauncey you can see our day trading at http://thedaytradingacademy.com
You’re an inspiration! Need to learn more about tax matters
I am currently serving as an education volunteer in Ghana. I will be here for 2 years and want to start day trading after school. I recently tried to set up an account with Optionshouse, but they need me to verify a residential address, which I don’t have because I live in a village that doesn’t really have residential addresses (though my internet connection is pretty strong). What platform do you recommend I use where I won’t run into this problem?
Don’t you still have a license from the country you are from Max? Just show them the license most brokers now a days send you information online. I wouldn’t recommend trading options because they are highly manipulated. Stocks are better to trade or better yet, Futures.