Most people don’t think about spending Ole’ Hallow’s Eve away from home but experiencing Halloween abroad can be a bizarre and at the same time, fun experience. The different culture, the costumes based on popular characters you’ve never heard of and a new atmosphere can make things even freakier then they’re intended to be!
Of course the whole point of travelling is to broaden your horizons and experience new things, but the added factor of ghoulish goings on can be a bit much to take. So what can you do if you find yourself abroad at the time of all hallows eve, to make things seem a bit more normal?
One option is to turn the tables and freak out everyone at your particular party with a costume, the likes they have never seen before! Take the power back if you will. After all you can’t be freaked out at things if you’re dressed as the embodiment of pure terror, right?
But where can you get a costume that possesses this power? A standard Dracula cape isn’t going to cut it, and that tatty skeleton outfit you’ve got in the loft has seen better days. You could however, have a go at creating your own? You’re a traveller after all, a well cultured walker of the globe brimming with imagination. And it’s certainly possible; just have a look at the competition Morph Costumes have launched.
It’s called ‘MorphFamous’ and is designed to discover some of the best-hidden design talent across the world. Last year, a passionate Morphsuits fan called Kyle created a design using a white Morphsuit and posted it on the Facebook page – one year later, MorphCostumes worked with him to create the design and it’s now available to purchase worldwide.
Creatives can submit their designs into a number of different categories throughout October on the MorphFamous website, with the public being invited to show their support and vote for their favourites. A winner will be announced October 27th!
But what about those who aren’t talented in the area of textiles? Well to maximise impact at your Halloween party, it’s probably best to do a bit of research into the culture of horror that exists in the country your visiting.
Japan has only recently embraced the festival of Halloween, in fact in 2012, 1700 people at Amerikamura in Osaka dressed up in costumes to celebrate. Cosplay is massive in Japan, people love dressing up as their favourite comic or video game characters; therefore this would be a great area to start your search for the ideal costume.
Australia is another country that has recently been bitten by the Halloween bug. Although it has its critics, the celebration is growing in momentum and a large number of people now embrace it! Now you don’t want to turn up in a Kangaroo costume…that would be predictable, instead delve into the rich archives of Australian horror films and pick a character to go as!
An Australian film maker actually came up with the concept for the film SAW and have created highly rated horror flicks like ‘Wolf Creek’ and 2003’s ‘Undead’.
Wherever you are this Halloween, a bit of research and a bit of creativity should ensure you’re in the middle of the celebrations!