
Inspirations for your South America Tour

Let your South America tour be as diverse as you wish! The continent of South America is teeming with countries that all offer unique experiences. Whether you head to Brazil, Chile, Peru or Uruguay, there is something for everyone – and you will never feel bored!

Why go to South America?

There is so much to see and do in South America for nature lovers and cultural visitors alike. The continent holds some of the best natural attractions, including the world’s largest river, located within the Amazon, as well as the highest mountain range in the world, The Andes. You can also soak up the dense rainforests and gorgeous beaches.

Because it is such a large continent, South America takes time to explore; therefore it has become a popular backpacker destination and has reasonably priced accommodation. Yet South America just as much boasts luxurious accommodation.


Must-see attractions

Are you looking for inspiration for your South America tour? There is so much you could possibly do that it’s important to plan ahead. You might wish to explore the popular and historic sights – and one of the best is Machu Picchu, ancient Incan ruins that are situated amid the clouds of the high Andes Mountains. This little piece of history, that has been marvelously preserved, will make you weak at your knees. Or you can behold the wonder of the impressive Iguazu Falls, which span three countries: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. If you prefer to experience vibrant urban scenes then you can head to the infamous cities of Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro.

Where to stay in South America

There are so many unique accommodation options in South America to choose from. The least expensive countries in the continent are Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, and they boast plenty of backpacking and hostel options for students and those taking gap year vacations.

If you are looking for luxury then Argentina, Brazil and Chile are the best bet. South America is such a picturesque country and you can stay in extraordinary places – whether it is in a traditional estancia, in the treetops of the Amazon, or in a delightfully boutique hotel in the heart of a cosmopolitan city. To land some pretty sweet stays in South America, get Hotels.com latest Deals

Regardless of your budget, South America has beauty and treasures tucked away in every corner, and can cater to interests perfectly. What are you waiting for? Book your vacation and set sail on a trip of a lifetime! May this inspiration for your South America tour help you set the trip wheels in motion!

Some more tour inspirations you will find at Enchanting Travels.

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