If you are planning to fly on a private plane, such as Stratos Jets charter flights to Houston, you should get to know some of the etiquette rules to make sure that you enjoy the trip. As a first-timer on a private jet, you need to know what to expect when you get on board and what you should and should not do on the way to your destination. When you begin looking into more information about private jet charter flights, you will have to think about what you can spend on the trip, of course, but there are other factors to keep in mind, as well.
Some tips that will come in handy when you are flying by private charter plane can be found here.
Understand Proper Parking Etiquette
If you decide to charter a flight, you will be able to take your vehicle directly to the plane. When you do this, it makes it much easier for you to get your luggage onboard. However, you need to make sure you park your vehicle opposite of the plane and then engage the parking brake to keep it from accidentally rolling into the plane. You don’t want to have to pay for damage to the aircraft because this can be extremely expensive.
Limit the Luggage You Take Along
When you charter a plane, you may believe that this gives you the right and ability to take along as much luggage as you want. However, the majority of private planes will have a limit on the luggage you can take onboard because of the smaller compartment doors. Also, there are weight restrictions in place based on the amount of fuel that is required for the trip, as well as the total number of people who are going to be on board.
The majority of private planes will only be able to hold seven roll-on suitcases if you plan on flying alone. However, if you are traveling with a larger group, you may have to limit luggage to a single bag.
Avoid Taking Along Red Wine
It is legal to take along your own alcohol when flying aboard a private plane, which means there’s no need to “sneak” it onboard. However, make sure the onboard crew serves it for you. Due to potential staining, it is a good idea to avoid taking the red wine on a plane. The turbulence may result in spills that can cause stains which cost quite a bit to remove.
Keep Your ID with You
You may believe that since TSA isn’t a factor, you don’t have to carry along your identification documents. This simply isn’t the case. You need to have your ID to get on the plane, and if you are flying internationally, you are also going to need your passport.
Knowing the “rules” of flying by private plane can help you make the most of experience and ensure you don’t make any mistakes that may cost you or cause undue stress. There’s no question that a private flight can be a luxurious experience; however, it is something you need to make sure that you are fully prepared for and that you know the rules for.