
Chile Travel Blog

The Mythical Chilean Museum of Pre-Colombian Art in Santiago

The Mythical Chilean Museum of Pre-Colombian Art in Santiago

The Chilean Museum of Pre-Colombian Art in Santiago, is among one of the best museums in Latin America. The Museum is well known globally, for those individuals interested in viewing ancient artifacts, from both Central and South America. The historical objects contained within the building, offer travelers a glimpse of a rich cultural and artistic […]

Learning How To Speak Chilean Spanish

Learning How To Speak Chilean Spanish

Learning how to speak Chilean Spanish is something that you honestly, don’t want to do.  I am a native Spanish speaker and when I first arrived in Chile & started living in Santiago, I couldn’t understand the majority of people that interacted with.  Before arriving in Chile, I thought that they spoke another “understandable” form […]

Getting Ready For the Next Adventure

map of south america

I have been living in Rio De Janeiro now for two months and while I have loved it here I need to do a quick visa run.  What else is there to do than to take a quick trip to Peru & Chile?  After all, I can claim that I have been able to day […]

Driving The Atacama Desert & Chilean Coast

chile driving, driving in chile, streets in chile, atacama desert

I decided to spend roughly 5 days in the Atacama Desert to see all of the region. I honestly didn’t know much about all the things to do in Chile until I started living there and talking to locals. Once I arrived I was blown away by all of the unique things to see and […]

Photo Essay: Bond Between Women & Ugly Jeans – Chile

ugly jeans, jeans in chile, how to women in chile dress, how to people dress in chile, pictures of chilean people, ugly women jeans chile, ugly women jeans

One of the things about the culture in Chile is that they dont dress up very much and they don’t take extra care of their appearances.  This doesn’t mean that they are dirty or that they don’t shower.  This just means that they don’t dress up like they are going to a night club when they […]



Part 2 of my night out with Chileans involved Chilean Food.  I have yet  to taste any Chilean food out in the countryside but I can tell you that the rise of the American culture has certainly influenced the country.  Much of the world is in a love and hate relationship with American culture, they hate rap but […]


drinks in Chile

I not only tried a typical Chilean dish but also tried a delicious Chilean drink.  If you haven’t read my post on living in Chile then I should inform you that there are two things that are constant in Chile, endless amounts of delicious ice cream and women wearing ugly jeans.  I have now confirmed […]

Living in Chile: First Impressions

university of Chile, pictures of santiago, pictures of chile, photos of santiago

There is nothing like paying a good $140  to have the right to enter a country.  I mean who wouldn’t want to dish out the cost of a full ipod nano to see a fantastic country side? But I digress.  Many consider Chile to be the Switzerland of the south minus the blonde hair and blue eyes […]