

Learning How To Speak Ecuadorian Spanish: Spanish Expressions (with video)

Learning How To Speak Ecuadorian Spanish: Spanish Expressions (with video)

It is time to learn how to speak Ecuadorian Spanish! Ecuadorian Spanish basic expressions have a slight twist. Some words are mixed with the indigenous Quechua language. Although I only visited Quito the people in Ecuador also seem to have a different accent as well. While on our cruise to the Galapagos Islands with Quasar Expeditions (check them out by the […]

Why I Won’t Be Visiting Ecuador Again Anytime Soon

Quito Ecuador

This probably isn’t a fair assessment. Especially because how I felt about Quito. And the fact that I only spent a total of 4 days on mainland Ecuador. But the fact of the matter is that there isn’t anything overly special in Ecuador (besides Galapagos) that can’t find anywhere else in Latin America.  Many will […]

Quito Is Safe They Said

Quito Sign

Quito is safe they said. I wasn’t worried if Quito was dangerous. It was just curiosity. But you never know these days. Rest assured everyone told me that Quito was safe.  I always like to learn about a country on a drive from the airport. This certainly wasn’t the Ecuador that I knew of. I […]