Dulce de Leche, if you didn’t know, is a very popular item when it comes to food in Latin America. Its no exception when you talk about the food in Argentina either. They serve dulce de leche with dessert, coffee, and they even put it in pastries throughout bakeries in the country. My attempt at perfecting the dulce de leche muffin has come very hard, 10 lbs hard. Look forward to more posts on the food in Argentina! Enjoy the video and leave me a comment if you enjoyed it!
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Nice job. You are a beast on the muffins. How many cals, seriously?
1,300 for the entire bag.. and that doesn’t include the milk or coffee lol
Oh, I so miss dulce de leche. So, so, so good. We went through so much of that stuff while in BA for a month. My favorite was a local ice cream shop we frequented. We’d get a container of dark chocolate ice cream on one side, dulce de leche ice cream on the other, and we’d take it back to our apartment, put it in a bowl, and drizzle dulce de leche on top. YUM!!! It’s no coincidence that between that, the bottles of red wine we consumed daily, the massive steaks we ate regularly, and the medialunas, that we gained tons of weight. It was so worth it though.
blaaaaahhhh! I hate dulce de leche!! too sweet, blah! they always gave them out on buses and tours when I was there and were shocked that I didn’t want any. Sometimes they would force me (not literally, but you know what I mean) and I would finally take one and have to throw it out the window when no one was looking. blah!
Oh nooooo!! Dulce de leche is increeeeeedible! How about nutella? is nutella your thing?
Oh nooooo!! Dulce de leche is increeeeeedible! How about nutella? is nutella your thing?
blaaaaahhhh! I hate dulce de leche!! too sweet, blah! they always gave them out on buses and tours when I was there and were shocked that I didn’t want any. Sometimes they would force me (not literally, but you know what I mean) and I would finally take one and have to throw it out the window when no one was looking. blah!
watch out! dulce de leche is known to make you gain weight! lol
watch out! dulce de leche is known to make you gain weight! lol