Curious about what language they speak in Ethiopia? Have no fear, WanderingTrader is here to teach how you everything you need to know. Along with Hebrew, Amharic is one of the oldest written languages in the world. Whenever I travel to a country I always try to at least learn all of the basic expressions to make sure that the local hustlers don’t try to rip me off. I found a long time ago that when you say something in their language they will back off a lot faster than when you just look like a tourist.
Watch full video on Youtube (click link) –> Learning To Speak Amharic in Ethiopia
How Do You Say That In Amharic?
- Hello- Salam
- Goodbye – Ironically I use the Spanish Ciao and everyone understands
- How are you – Salamnu
- For a Girl – Salamnesh or Endem-nesh
- For a Man- Salamnu
- I am good: Indem-ne-nay
- Thank you – Amah-Sigah-Nalu
- Please, Your Welcome – Manalk
- Yes: Ah-Ow
- No: I
- Okay: Eeshee
- My brother: When-dem-neh
- Oh My God!: Weigh-Neh
- How Much (Does it Cost) – Seenta-No
- Whats your name (male) – Sigh-meh-mah-no
- Whats your name (female) – SIH-mesh-mah-no?
- Pretty – Conjo
- You Are Beautiful – Betam Conjo
- My Beauty – Ene Conjo
Good lesson, but just one point….ciao is not Spanish, it’s Italian.
Ciao is Italian.. Chao is Spanish.. pronounced the same way 🙂
Actually, Ciao is a international word. Orgins may be traced to Venice but that’s beside the point. Ciao /Chau in Spanish is used for goodbyes only.
Billy… in Italy they use Ciao to say hello not only goodbye 😀
We adopt the word but in Amharic we called it Dehna hun(M) or dehna hugni(F)
Please help me when it makes a difference between male and female is it based on whether a male or female is talking or whether you are speaking to or about a male or female?
True 😀
Chao is also Spanish. It is spelled differently but pronounced the same. And not all countries use it.
Got Ethiopians saying papi, oyeeee
you are going to have a great time just be sure to not let the taxi drivers hustle you! lol
What does eeneh eewoudeshalloh mean?
eeneh would be my but the second word I dont know Gina.. sorry I couldn’t be of much help
Gin is but ene is I. The person is trying to say I love you for a girl which is ewedeshalew. This is not Romantic love. Afikirshalew is i love you in a special way for a girl. Like I’m in love with you.
This means “i love you” and you say it to a female. enneh iwedihaloh is to a male.
I love you( fot females)
ewodeshalew means I Love You ( to a women)
Yene means My. but to say My Love you shouls say Yene Feker
it means I love you
Can you rent a car over there?
Thanks if you help me
I’m going over there may 27th in a week from now and I want to make sure
You can rent a car anywhere in the world….
Ene means” I “and ewodishslehu is I love you for female ewodihalehu is for male
So generally ene ewodishslehu is I love you. There is a redundancy of pronoun “I” which you can only say Ewodishalehu which it has I in it but just to make it strong you will say ene ewodishslehu
eeneh means I and eewoudeshalloh Love you for a girl “i love you”
Gina it means ” I like you” its Bieng told to a girl.
Afekirishelahu means ” I Love You”
Gina Aweddashalehu means I love you. enae eewoudeshalloh is a wierd spelling but yup that’s what it means lol 🙂 If a guy said this to you say Aweddahallehu (Ah-wud-da-ha-leooh) back. Its how you say I love you to men or boys.
Lol thanks Abe
How do you say “no problem”.?( Like after someone says thank you.)
Samrawit I never actually learned that since okay works just fine anywhere around the world
this is ‘minim chiggir’
This better work
Shikir yalem
“Menem cheger yelewem” that’s how you saw no problem after somebody says thank you.
You can say chigger yellem = no problem or minim aydelem
How to say “hello world” in Amharic, it’s for class.
You say Salam 🙂
just got an Ethiopian friend and language is a bit of a problem, so I’m trying to learn basic words to communicate with him. This actually helps
ere bakesh alekerebeshem eshii please what hat does that mean in english
Sorry Eddie I don’t know that much Amharic!
I think it means something like “girl, please, ——–, okay? sorry I’m a heritage speaker so I know only some from my family.
Eddie, it’s not a complete sentence so won’t make sense but literal meaning is ‘you haven’t got closer, ok’ addressed to a female. The way it’s said suggests the addressee thought they got too close to something (or were actually not close enough to something and being advised to get closer).
I know the basic things in amharic but im just checking, whats ‘happy easter?
Guys ewedhalew means i like u not i love u.afekerhalew means ilove u(male) but for female afkershalew.:)i like amharic language its intresting,amharic harif kwankwa
omg ahmaric is so easy i have been speaking it fromm age 4.
Hanna please teach me
Samrawit, “No problem” in Amharic is chegger yellem
Ras do you know ge_es please teach me amharic dem_neh
Samrawit — or “Minem aydelem” = no problem, too
Chiger yelam works for me and easy to pronounce
What does “ere enedezi sewene mezegate yawattale” mean?
If anyone could help Josselyn out that would be great! I have no idea what that means
What does “gena new” mean?
It means not yet
It means just like “not yet”
“gena new” mean “It’s Christmas”; though in Ethiopia Christmas is on January 7th.
Josselyn I think gena new means its not ready yet and ere endeze sew mezgate yawatale means what do you get from ignoring people lol I think
Yes you are right but “gena new” have two’s Christmas and not yet .
Enem. Ewedeshalew.
Can you please tell me what this means? My fiancé told me this….thanks so much……Audrey
@ Josselyn Gena new = not now
“ere enedezi sewene mezegate yawattale” is away of saying “long time no see” or in a more playful manner something like “is it cool to ignore me for so long?”
hey josselyn I don’t think you spelled the words right but it means”will giving the silent treatment to people get you where ever you want?”so it means that,it looks like the person saying this is mad/annoyed I wonder where you heard it?
Wedjeashalew meaning please…!thank you.
If someone wants to help Felix above 🙂
I like you or I love you but only as in to a friend or family member (female) not your romantic partner.
How do you say little sister?
l love to learn ethiopian language . l live ln canada and realy i wold like to learn so l need som help
how to say “u mean everything to me” in amharic
Anchi malet hulu lene negere nesh for girl
ante malet hulu negere neh for boy
Sorry i don’t know how to write it correctly but i think it’s almost the same
Isn’t woudeshaloh i love you feom a man to a women
It is but only to female friend or family member – it’s Ewedeshalehu. To romantic partner (girlfriend, wife) I love you would be – Afekirshalehu.
Very easy but need more time
how do I say “FREE” in amharic?
Hey guys I’m a South African and there are so many different races here speaking different languages but i’d like to start with Amharic learning these languages help out… How do I say “I like what you are doing” in Amharic?
Am from akenyan samburu n tribe. This is avery nice and admirable language bt very hard to understand. I would like to know bt i dont know how. Cant i got help?
Netsa = free
So nice to understand other language- can you tell me the meaning of this “-baxam echilo ate endeti hawkii”
What does “afkrjalhu ene eko” mean please ?
I know the first word of that means I love you, but only in romantic context. the nest is my —– sorry i hope it helps some
Salamnu.. is to sound like gangster. Lol. Andemna or andemnish sound less like cool guy , just to play it safe. Though, Salamnu, still acceptable. We say it to friends.
Had to add. Andemna is like, “how are you?”. A typical response would be denna, which you could reply with dennana. Salamnu is more like. .. “Sup?”..? I think that word is close to the same?
?? Salamnu = Sup ??
Can anyone tells me what “fikir nafkehalehu” means please ?
‘love, i have missed you’ said to a man
Like “I miss you love”
It means “love I miss you” See Jay
Oww u guys z way u write z spelling’s (z Amharic) its so funny any hu here iz right hand if u need help!!
see jay – ‘love, i have missed you’ said to a man
Fikir, nafkeh neber = love, I have missed you
Thx for d effort, however how you spell d words is funny! what does: Lemacho Becha ayedelem Merechawoten Yegelxulgn Le Megabez zegeju Negn. mean?
God has blessed our love
Hello I was wondering how you spell “Family is Forever” and “Family, Its deeper than blood” in Amharic characters.Thank you for your time
Hi ! Can somebody -urgently- help to translate a text from Ahmaric to English?
I need to send you a picture of this writing though!
Let me know your email address!
Bye – Giulia
I want learn amharic
Teach me guys amarhic, I want to visit Ethiopia one day
How do you say, ” I want to spend my life with you? ” ( to my boyfriend who speaks Amharic)
“Hiwoten kante gar meketel efeligalew” sorry i don’t know how to spell it
Can some tell me how to say ; “you cheat on me ” in Amharic
How do you say welcome to …
I know welcome is
Enkuan dehna meta
how do you say “to”
To say “you are drunk” amharic translation.
chigger yelem
If you read in amharic all you gotta do is sound the letters out!!
What’s the difference between ewedshalew and afershalew
The two mean I love you, but ewedeshaleu (f) can be said to a family member or friend, the other is to only be used with a significant other or lover.
Can you rent a car over there?
You can rent a car anywhere in the world….
Hello i like to know AMHARIC because i have an Ethiopian friend, so that we can understand each other better.
Salam i like to know amaharic and also ge_es
How do I say “boss lady” in amharic, or ethiopian?
Hy guys i only knw few words in Amharic plz help my husband is an Ethiopian….amasegenalwe yene konjos
what does this mean?
Enkuan des aleh!
Magbatihin semahu
Enatihin ena abathin selam belilign!