I can’t really begin to describe how amazing the trip to Israel was. I got to see a side of Israel that is so far from the conflict that is always described on the news. The Israel Ministry of Tourism, Stand With Us, and the entire Once In Lifetime Crew did a great job of balancing everything with such a tight schedule (Toda Raba Everyone). I am very happy about the fact that I was able to see and feel the culture of Israel and not just hear about whats going on with their borders. I was so impressed with the country that I have decided to live there, the only question is when.
I stayed a total of 13 days and was able to see the majority of the tourist attractions in Israel. While I will be writing about every aspect of my trip in the upcoming weeks I wanted to describe the schedule that we took. We did go back and forth between some cities like Tel Aviv and Haifa but everything was in the general area that you see on the map to the right.
Haifa (# 2 on map)
- Tecnion Institue of Technology
- Save a Child’s Heart (Tel Aviv)
- Bahai Gardens
- Druze Village
- Israeli Super Star: Mosh Ben Ari
- Sea of Galilee
- Swimming in Jordan River
- Beer Tasting & Chocolate!
Tel Aviv (#1 on map)
- Kibbutz Experience
- Rogozin School
- Israeli Super Star: Ivri Lider
- Start-up Nation
- Better Place
- Jaffa
- Swimming in the Dead Sea
- Massada Fortress
- Tour of Old Jerusalem
- Western Wall
- Church of Resurrection
- Tour to Eastern Jerusalem with former member of security
- Lunch with influential Palestinian member
- Tour of the bay
- Diving with Dolphins
- Tour of Desert
I really want to go to Israel in the next year or so to visit friends from Summer Camp. Really looking forward to reading your experiences as well as the rest of the gangs! 🙂
NIcole I have to tell you that is was absolutely AMAAZING.. I want to live in Tel Aviv!!
jacques not yet but I will be flying through South Africa on my way to Madagascar.. will be in Johannesburg for a day
jacques not yet but I will be flying through South Africa on my way to Madagascar.. will be in Johannesburg for a day
The cool thing about Israel is that the trading session hours are very convinient 😀
London open: 10 AM, NY Open: 15:00
Heck yes Aaron!! The best time is between Europe all the way to about Singapore. When I was in Singapore I was starting trading at about 9.30pm and was done normally by 11pm or so. Was perfect.
You are the luckiest person! This is an awesome trip, to walk in such history and touch the treasures of it all. Thank you so much for sharing with us, most of whom will never get to the places you do but enjoy your travels and are very grateful for your generosity of knowledge. Many thanks and many blessings.