
Travel Blogs

My travel blogs are written from my experiences traveling around the world, and they contain all the stories, tips, and awkward situations that I have gotten myself in. I have traveled to roughly 80 countries now and have visited all 7 continents. Traveling around the world has taken me to the from desolate deserts of Africa all the way to the tropical climates of Asia and South America.

Travel Photos | Day Trading Blog | Top 5

Is Colombia Dangerous? What’s it like Post Drug War?

colombia presidential complex, bogota presidents house, pictures of bogota

  The dangers in Colombia are very serious especially if you choose to ignore them.  The strides taken by the Colombian government and other parties have  been enormous in eradicating crime from city streets.  I can personally attest to the fact that Colombia is much safer in comparison to the drug war days. While it is safer […]

My Drug of Choice in Colombia

My Drug of Choice in Colombia

Drugs in Colombia are still around you just don’t see them anymore.  You don’t see the drug war on the good ol’ tele either as the British would say.  But just because you don’t find drugs readily available or see them on the streets doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.  Colombia has done a great […]

Taxis in Cali, Colombia – Free Rides & Rip Offs

cali colombia license plate, colombia pictures, cali colombia photos, colombia photos

I’ve experienced both extremes when it comes to taxis in Cali, Colombia.  I was a bit concerned because people were telling me that Cali is a little rough around the edges, they said it’s not like Medellin and you have to watch your back a bit more.  They should have told me that about going […]

Travel to Colombia: Things Never Found In The United States

eating in colombia, eating in cartagena, chicken in colombia

Traveling to Colombia and other countries around the world will definitely make you laugh.  One of the things that I love about traveling overseas is comparing cultures.  The best thing to do or wear in one country might be a recipe for disaster in another.  Two prime examples would be the Stupendous Argentina Comb Over & the insatiable ugly […]

Traveling to Bogota is like Sour Patch Kids

US Embassy, bogota, us embassy bogota, american embassy in bogota

Traveling to Bogota for a second time I was prepared for the chaos that would ensue; pollution filled air, constant traffic jams, and the dangers that came with going out at night.  I realized this time around that Bogota isn’t as bad as I thought it was.  The city is  a bit more dangerous than […]

Emerald at the International Emerald Museum-Bogota

Emerald Museum, international emerald museum, emerald museum, emeralds, emerald colombia

 The picture of this emerald was taken inside of the showcase of Emeralds.  The manager was nice enough to allow me to take pictures after I told this that I owned this travel site.  Pictures are restricted throughout the entire museum for security purposes.  The Emerald museum was very different from the other museums in […]

Tayrona National Park-Colombia

Tayrona National Park Colombia

Tayrona National Park is one of the most beautiful places I have seen in all of Colombia.  In order to see this beauty you have to trek at least 1 hour in the 100 degree weather with 100% humidity.  I walked for roughly 4-5 hours that day and all my clothes were completely drenched. When […]

Travel to Cuba? Look at the Alternative: Cartagena, Colombia

architecture in cartagena, cartagena colombia, pictures of cartagena, architecture in Colombia

Traveling to Cuba to this day is still illegal for American citizens.  The only people allowed to visit the ostracized country from the United States are Cubans.  In order for Americans to visit the country they must sneak in by boat or without an American airline.  I haven’t personally travelled to Cuba but can tell […]

Bella Donna at National Museum of Colombia in Bogota

national museum in bogota, bogota national museum, bella donna, sculptures, sculptures of women

The National Museum in Bogota is actually quite impressive.  I just arrived from exploring the massive 3 story museum.  I took this picture on the third floor at a unique angle.  Luckily the private security knew how to get everyone out of the museum since they were offering free cake for the birthday of the […]

Blue Crab at Tayrona National Park-Colombia

tayrona nationa park, blue crab, pictures of tayrona, tayrona colombia, tayrona pictures

Walking into Tayrona National Park is not a matter that you should take lightly.  Most days here on the Colombian coast you will find that it feels well over 100 degrees with 100% humidity.  Many take their time but since I am a stubborn 27 years young I decided to charge my way through the […]