
Travel Blogs

My travel blogs are written from my experiences traveling around the world, and they contain all the stories, tips, and awkward situations that I have gotten myself in. I have traveled to roughly 80 countries now and have visited all 7 continents. Traveling around the world has taken me to the from desolate deserts of Africa all the way to the tropical climates of Asia and South America.

Travel Photos | Day Trading Blog | Top 5

Taxi Hunting & Slapping Prostitutes In Medellin, Colombia

salsa in Medellin, dancing in Medellin, Medellin nightlife,

I can assure you this post is nothing more than a humorous PG scandal. **Disclaimer** You might laugh. You can always hear when there is a soccer match that either involves the Colombian national team or the team from Medellin.  When a goal is almost scored you can hear the “oohhhhhhh” from homes across the […]

Visiting Cali, Colombia for the first time

cristo rey, cristo rey cali, things to do in cali, cali tourist attractions, things to see in cali, jesus statue in cali colombi

I never felt at home more than I have in Medellin, Colombia.  Even when I first arrived I kind of felt like I was home.  I had to visit the city of Cali, Colombia because I kept hearing rants and raves about it.  Everyone told me that it’s a bit like Medellin only warmer and […]

Driving The Atacama Desert & Chilean Coast

chile driving, driving in chile, streets in chile, atacama desert

I decided to spend roughly 5 days in the Atacama Desert to see all of the region. I honestly didn’t know much about all the things to do in Chile until I started living there and talking to locals. Once I arrived I was blown away by all of the unique things to see and […]

Welcome to the Sushi Hangover: Team Medellin Style

sushi in medellin, pictures of sushi, sushi pictures, sushi in south america, sushi in colombia

I have about a month left in Colombia and I will remember nothing more than the sushi hangovers every Tuesday. I am not only a fanatic of Sushi but I have become quite accustomed to a sushi hangover. Sushi Hangover – When your stomach is about to explode from eating too much sushi At Sushi […]

Environmentalists Are The Enemy: Sea Turtle Edition

Boat in the amazon, Galibi nature reserve, Suriname pictures, traveling by boat in the guyanas,

Put down your fat burger and swallow that carbonated sugar drink and hear me out for a second. I am not saying that we shouldn’t have environmentalists in the world but sometimes they take it to extremes. I experienced just this on my trip to French Guyana when trying to see the massive leather back […]

The Colombian Coast: Land of the Hustlers

Cartagena, plaza de cartagena, cartagena plaza, pictures of Cartagena, Cartagena photos, main plaza cartagena, Plaza de la Aduana Cartagena

I arrived in Colombia with a completely different view of what I thought Colombia was going to be. My first impressions weren’t negative I just expected to see a little cocaine on the street, gorgeous women walking around, and the occasional AK-47 here and there. I didn’t see any cocaine on the surprisingly clean streets, […]

Best Fast Food In the United States of America

Best Fast Food In the United States of America

One of the things that characterizes the United States over any other country in the world. Our fast food has infected the entire world begrudgingly and they all love it as much as we hate to love it! There are regional favorites as well as some fast food chains that aren’t nationwide.  I tried to […]

Racism & Repression In French Guiana-SHAME ON FRANCE!

pictures of guianas, pictures of french guiana, cayenne pictures, cayenne photos, cayenne signs

  Rolling through The Guianas in South America I ran into something that I didn’t think existed in our society today. It was beyond God’s mandate to not allow me a comfortable way in and out of the country. I didn’t think that this kind of situation would occur with a 1st world power like France. […]