There is a ton of information on the web and most of it is junk. You have huge travel sites like CNN and yahoo travel that do provide great information. There are also great travel forums like lonely planet thorntree and bootsn all. While sites like these provide good information nothing compares to the wealth […]
Travel Blogs
All of the things to do in Canada vary across the 2nd largest country in the world. Rarely does a country have as much variety and natural beauty as Canada, from the highest tides in world at the Bay of Fundy in the East to the rare temperate rain forests on the West coast. Make […]
Update: Is Buenos Aires Dangerous? Click here With my last trip to Argentina many people asked me if it was dangerous and where was the best place to stay. People outside the travel realm consider South America grouped as one big area and its reputation is not the best. There have been popular tabloids of […]
This is my first “planned trip around the world” and I have to admit that planning it is rather fun. I’ve lived overseas extensively but never planned this type of a trip. I’ve already finalized plans and found accommodation in Argentina and Chile. Im currently in the process of finding an apartment in Medellin Colombia […]
Sicily Travel Advice: Avoiding KILLER SHEEP
This was my first move overseas to the gorgeous Island of Sicily (I really was just interested in the Pizza at first). Being the homeland of the mafia there is always an interesting twist at every corner (more stories about the run-ins with the Sicily mafia coming soon). Many want you to believe that Sicily […]
Bolivia tourism is commonly overlooked due to the popularity of its neighbors: Argentina, Brazil, and Peru. While one can’t argue there are a lot of things to do in all three countries don’t fail to notice all of the Bolivia attractions. What other countries can claim the world’s most dangerous road (the death road or […]
Partying in Buenos Aires
Many of you are from the United States and are accustomed to ending your weekends around two or four in the morning (which may be late for some). In any of the Buenos Aires barrios, the party doesn’t begin until 2am and it certainly doesn’t end until after the sun comes up. Being the 10th […]
San Telmo Argentina: The best barrio for Buenos Aires Accommodation
My first excursion in Buenos Aires was only for 3 weeks and it made a lasting impression. There are a ton of Buenos Aires sightseeing activities to do if you are young, old, or both (wink). I did a ton of research and was fortunate enough to have friends that were living in Buenos Aires, […]
Top 5 Egypt Sightseeing Activities
It’s one of the most exotic and historical ancient places in the world. Egypt is known as the land of the pharaohs and also as the gift of the Nile because without the Nile river there would be no Egypt. Egyptian civilization has lasted for over 3,000 years starting in 3100BC (that is before the Persians and […]