
Sicily Travel Blog

The Greek Temple of Segesta-Sicily

segesta temple, sicily greek temples, doric temple segesta, greek temple

The Greek Temple in Segesta is a site where you can view the gorgeous Greek Temple above as well as an amphitheater high on the mountain where you can get an incredible view of the Sicilian countryside.  If you didn’t know Sicily has some of the best Greek Temples in the world.  Segesta in unique in that […]

Food in Italy: Don’t Mess With My Pasta

Food in Italy: Don't Mess With My Pasta

The video below is just for kicks and giggles but the story you are about to read really did happen to me.  When I was living in Sicily I had one of the nicest landlords on the planet.  He was Italian which means his name had to be Giuseppe (insert hand motions here).  During one […]

Fund Things To Do In Sicily: Godfather Filming Locations

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I honestly was never a huge Godfather fan, I have watched all three films and did enjoy them but not fanatical about them.  What I have been more obsessed with is the actual Italian Mafia.  When I was living in Sicily for close to two years I actually ran into the Mafia, everywhere. The first […]

Top 5 Things to do in Sicily

Top 5 Things to do in Sicily

Sicily Directory: ● Photo: Taormina, Sicily ……………………….. ●  Sicily Travel Advice: Always try to hustle ● Living in Sicily: My Catania Accommodation ●  Sicily Travel Advice: Avoiding Killer Sheep Incredible history, great food, Greek temples to climb (read about it here).  Sicily is one of the best kept secrets in the modern world with cultural variation seen everywhere on the […]

Living in Sicily: My Catania Accommodation

Living in Sicily: My Catania Accommodation

My stint in Sicily lasted over a year and it was amazing.  I’ve never even considered going to Sicily until my uncle told me about everything there is to see there.  Once I started googling the pictures of Sicily like Taormina I was hooked and knew I had to go and visit to see all the tourist attractions […]

Sicily Travel Advice

Sicily Travel Advice

I was living in Sicily at the time going to school in Siracusa.  I already saw one of the largest Greek theaters in the world and took a trip around the city.  As long as you don’t need a Visa to enter Italy you are able to stay for 3 months without getting one.  I […]

Sicily Travel Advice: Avoiding KILLER SHEEP

Sicily Travel Advice: Avoiding KILLER SHEEP

This was my first move overseas to the gorgeous Island of Sicily (I really was just interested in the Pizza at first).  Being the homeland of the mafia there is always an interesting twist at every corner (more stories about the run-ins with the Sicily mafia coming soon).  Many want you to believe that Sicily […]