The Mosaika light and sound show is one of the brand new Ottawa attractions added this year. The show is run daily and is completely FREE. Its even better if you speak French because the show is in both French and English. The current schedule for the show is July 8th to September 12th (the schedule may change by a few days depending on the year). I’m sure that no one would come out in the sub zero Canada winters to see this event. It usually starts at 9.30pm or 10.00pm, why so late you ask? The sun doesn’t go down until very late in the summer in Canada.
The show is about the history of Canada and its people. It gives great details about the diversity of the country as well as some of the history that has brought the country to the present. Some of the views are breathtaking like the one above and the ones you will see below. As you lay on the soft grass you will be entertained with a visual timeline that explores Canada’s landscape from every angle including cultural and physical.
The show begins by shining a spotlight on the actual people of Canada. Various interviews are shown with both English and French speaking Canadians describing why they love Canada and what makes them Canadian. Promptly after they focus on the aboriginals of Canada and all of their achievements including all their traditions and common practices such as their embroidery. This part of the show does get somewhat political due to the common “white man takes over” theme but soon passes. You can see great video of the show here.
A lot of focus is placed on Canada’s railroads which helped unite the world’s 2nd largest country. The show explains how the railroads were a boom for settlement and helped tourism grow throughout the country. Now the railroads are iconic in many cities across the nation and help much travel throughout. If you are interested in travelling across Canada see my transportation in Canada and Canadian bus travel reviews.
Since Canada is so vast and the landscapes are so different a lot of emphasis is placed on showing these great natural wonders. From the great Canadian Rockies and other mountains that span the country to the rivers and lakes that keep it cool. The natural wonders of Canada are part of one of the many things to do in Canada. While Canada is known mainly for its arctic and winters they do have forests, wetlands, and even a desert like environment that are pointed out in the show. Dont forget to check out our top 5 section for more things to do in Canada like Caribana page which shows pictures and video of the 3rd largest Caribbean festival in the world!
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