I have always been a big fan of a good story so I am launching a brand new travel contest, and no this isn’t a free contest, you get paid! I am looking for the best travel story. The story can be funny, horrifying, dramatic, romantic, deadly, whatever you think would be the best story. It does have to be a real story and you have to be able to verify that it really did happen. This can be in the form of a picture, video, something on your Facebook, even something on a blog or website. But you have to some how prove that did really did occur. Here are some great stories that have happened to me on my adventures around the world:
The time I climbed a Greek Temple and didn’t get caught
Iceland Travel Advice: Dont take a dump where the Earth Cracks
Egypt Travel Advice: Avoiding Melting Luggage
Everyone saw my Fruit of the Loom underwear at the airport
The Stupendous Argentine Combover
Here are the requirements:
Step 1: Go to http://www.facebook.com/wanderingtrader and “Like” the Wandering Trader Facebook Page
Step 2: Submit your story via email/video with proof to: atravelcontest@gmail.com
Step 3: Payment will be made through paypal so a valid paypal address is required. Submit your paypal address in your submission
Step 3: Deadline to submit your story is November 30th
Once all submissions are made I will choose the five best stories and you can vote on the winner of the best travel sweepstakes! Best of luck!
Great contest!!!
nice contest, i’ll join your contest
nice contest, i’ll join your contest
Got your submission Flip thanks 🙂 dont forget to send me your paypal address
Got your submission Flip thanks 🙂 dont forget to send me your paypal address
LOL.. a lot of great travel stories out there 🙂
I stumbled this for you, great contest.
Thanks I appreciate that!!!
Send me more than one!! lol