
Jericoacoara Pictures

Lagoa Paraiso in Jericoacoara, Brazil (Photo Essay)

Lagoa Paraiso in Jericoacoara, Brazil (Photo Essay)

If this is your first time to the site you may want to sign up for my or join me on Facebook. Welcome to Paradise, Paradise Lagoon to be exact (Lagoa Paraiso means Paradise Lagoon).  The lagoon is part of an extensive set of lagoons that are found in the area near the city of […]

The Brazilian Maldives: Lagoa Paraiso

Lagoa Paraiso

The Brazilian Maldives can be found near the beach town of Jericoacoara in northern Brazil.  Not very well known at all, it is one of the most unique places that I have been in all of Brazil.  The town sits in the middle of a valley with sand dunes to the East and grass laid […]