
Pictures of Brazil

A Bloco in Salvador During Carnival in Brazil

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What you are looking at is float during the Brazilian Carnival in Salvador.  In Portuguese they call them Blocos (pronounced Blouckus) this is one of the ways that you can enjoy the Carnival.  You can either pay to join the bands at the top or walk along the roped off area that is controlled by security on […]

Surfing in Salvador, Brazil

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This is located at Barra Beach in Salvador (pronounced baha) where most of the locals go (and tourists also).  This is the beginning of the Dodo circuit for Carnaval 2011 in Salvador, Brazil.  During the day this is usually where everyone goes to recover from nights activities! Click here for more pictures of Brazil & check […]

Capoira in Salvador, Brazil

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These guys were tearing it up in a popular square filled with tourists in Salvador.  Carnaval 2011 starts tomorrow and as I promised a friend I will be uploading a pic everyday to give a bit of a taste of what I am seeing everyday.  My fav is the one on the right with the […]