
Pictures of Chile

Moai Statue Quarry on Easter Island

Moai Status Easter Island

This Moai Statues on Easter Island lie on the Northwest side of the island called Rano Raraku.  This is actually where the stone quarry is located. It is rumored that these were the only Moai statues that stood as of 1838.  There was also a Japanese project to help restore some of the statues on the […]

Tongariki Moai Statues: Easter Island

Easter Island

The most famous of all the Moai Statues on Easter Island.  The Tongariki Ahu complex comprises 15 statues that stand on the southeast part of the island.  These statues above were actually toppled and then carried inland by a tsunami that was caused by an earthquake in 1960.  One of the statues weighs in at […]

Salt Flat at the Atacama Desert: Chile

Salt Flat in San Pedro De Atacama, Salt Flat

This salt flat at the Atacama Desert in Chile is found just an hour outside of San Pedro de Atacama.  One of the things that I always like to do is rent a car and start driving to see what I find, I was even able to drive in Chile across the Alto Plano in […]

The Andes Mountains from 20,000 feet

Andes Mountains

The Andes Mountains from 20,000 feet, I still remember this flight like it was yesterday due to a huge amount of turbulence for one part of the flight.  The Andes Mountains create a tunnel of air and when the airplanes hit that tunnel of air you have a rough jolt to your system.  Make sure you don’t […]

Salar De Tara: Atacama Desert, Chile

salar de tara, salar de tara atacama desert, pictures of atacama desert

The Atacama Desert is such a unique place in the world.  To actually think that I didn’t know much about the desert until I started living in Chile is beyond me.  This picture is of the Salar de Tara (Tara Salt Flat) in the Atacama Desert.  The tour has to be done by 4×4 and […]

Church At San Pedro De Atacama – Chile

san pedro de atacama, atacama desert, churches in san pedro de atacama, atacama pictures, atacama desert, san pedro de atacama pictures, atacama chile, chile attractions, things to do in chile

This is the main church in the city of San Pedro de Atacama in the Atacama Desert in Chile.  Its a small church but it is the mainstay of the entire town.  From here you walk to the mini market, the museum, the tourist office is in site, pick a tour company, and get offered […]

Graffiti in Valparaiso, Chile

PICTURES OF VALPARAISO, VALPARAISO photos, VALPARAISO pics, pictures VALPARAISO chile, pictures in chile, graffiti in VALPARAISO, pictures of graffiti, graffiti, VALPARAISO

Valparaiso is a town roughly 2-3 hours away from the bustling capital of Santiago, Chile.  Many tourists combine this Chile tourist attraction with its sister city Vine Del Mar.  Valparaiso is a very artsy city that is uniquely defined by its hills.  Many prominent figures like Paul Allen have been known to drive their yachts to the […]

Pig That Cried Wolf-La Vega: Santiago, Chile

la vega market, la vega santiago, chile

This picture was taken in the La Vega market in Santiago, Chile.  The general market is split into two massive sections, one clearly identified by tourists and the other is less known.  Since I love to be where the locals are I immediately heading to where there were no tourists and after walking through the […]

Gorgeous Sunset Over The City of Santiago

sunsets in south america, sunset in Santiago, pictures of chile, pictures in santiago

This is what I had the pleasure of seeing from my balcony in Chile.  Since Santiago, Chile is in a valley there is a lot of pollution that accumulates in the afternoons.  The sunsets aren’t normally this beautiful but on a good clear day you can see the sun setting over the Andes mountains near […]

Valley Of The Moon: Atacama Desert, Chile


The Valley of the Moon in the Atacama Desert is the location of this picture.  During sunsets, many tour companies take tourists to climb the hills in the valley to watch the sunset.  The Valley of the Moon sunset is very unique in that the colors of the rocks change as the sun begins to […]