
Murals at Debre Berhan Selassie Church – Gondar,Ethiopia

Intricate Walls in Gondar Ethiopia

There are so many interesting things to see in Ethiopia that most have never heard of. If you have been reading the site for a while you will now that I always speak highly of Ethiopia considering it is one of my favorite countries to visit.  Having lived there for roughly 2/3 months I was able to explore much of the country. I do still plan on going back in order to see places that are still on my list. Gondar, Ethiopia is known as the real life Camelot. The city that is built around a solid castle complex which is the reason it is also known as the Camelot of Africa.  These are murals that are inside one of the most important churches in Ethiopia located in Gondar.  The official name, Debre Berhan Selassie, stands for Trinity and Mountain of Light.  When the city was taken over every single church was burned down except for this one which shows the how marvelous it is.

Peruse the Ethiopian Picture Gallery and see the top things to do in Ethiopia.


  1. I have always wanted to go to Ethiopia and see Lalibela is a town in northern Ethiopia famous for monolithic rock-cut churches. They look pretty amazing. I’m not familiar with the one you mention above but the murals say it all, they look a great age and are quite beautiful.

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