
One of My Favorite Pictures From India

Kids On A Scooter in India

This is by far one of my favorite pictures of India because I think it describes the young people there.  It is normally taboo to see more than one man on a bike in the United States but 4?  I think this shows part of the poverty that India is known for but at the same time one can see the fun loving nature of the people.  As I was watching them drive by the driver saw me and immediately leaned into the picture several times until I took just the right shot.  They actually ended up following us to our final destination and asked us to take pictures with them. I was stopped quite frequently in India to take pictures with locals.

Click here to see our India Picture Gallery and see more pictures from around the world as well.


  1. Like!! 🙂

    I love it when locals enjoy the camera. Easier for the travelers.
    Sometimes I hesitate when they don’t smile. ^_^
    I and my husband went to a remote village in the northern part of the Philippines and the first word I learned was their word for smile.
    Then i just say that word when I want to take a photo of locals.
    I think from now on, I will have to learn what the word for smile is in the country/place we are visiting. Will be a lot easier! 🙂

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