
Eilat Pictures

Nubian Sanstone in Israel: Amram Pillars

nubian sandstone, amram pillars, pillars israel

Just outside the foothills of Eilat, Israel, there is a magical desert waiting to be explored.  You can actually go from beach front property into a protected area where you can’t hear a sound for miles.  The Pillars that you see are called the Amram Pillars and they are made out of Nubian Sandstone.  The […]

Gorgeous Coast in Eilat, Israel

eilat, coast in eilat, beaches of eilat,

We found this coast on a side trip while driving to the sushi restaurant that we were eating at.  One of our Israeli friends (Ori) from the Once In A Lifetime Crew was driving us to the restaurant since I decided to break my toe on the boat the same day.  I told them I […]