
Travel Photos & Pictures From Around The World

These travel photos and travel pictures are the ones that I have taken from around the world. Having taken travel pictures and travel photos in just over 80 countries now I share them all here. In the future I do plan on posting one travel photo a day to catch up on all of the pictures I have taken from around the world.

Petra Photo Essay: The Valley of Temples and Tombs

Visiting Petra in Jordan

This is a guest post by Tyler, aka Honcho Extreme, the winner of the Jordan contest. Petra was not just a destination along the ancient spice routes, it was a major junction in the Middle East for trading with cultures that inhabited areas of Indochina, the Mediterranean, Africa, and southern Europe. The Nabatean city tucked away […]

Incredible Street Art from Valparaiso, Chile

Incredible Street Art from Valparaiso, Chile

This is a guest post by been Brice Peressini, the Trading Voyageur. I went to Valparaiso specifically to see the world class street art that the city is famous for. I had heard that the city was a treasure trove of world class street art, and it did not disappoint! The city’s stunning backdrop, which has […]

Visiting Jordan: First 4 Days in Pictures

Sand Storm

Visiting Jordan has been quite eye opening.  Exploring the capital of Amman and the surrounding areas for only 4 days it has been nothing short of spectacular.  Sand storms, elevated security thanks to a President Obama visit, sunsets, ancient Roman cities, desert castles, oh my! The winner of the contest to Jordan arrives tomorrow after […]

Walking on Water Illussion in Salar De Uyuni Bolivia

Salar De Uyuni Bolivia

Walking on water in Bolivia is one of the most unique things I have seen traveling around the world.  The absolutely breathtaking walking on water illusion is something that is very unique to the salt flats found in Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia. Salar means salt flat in Spanish while Uyuni originates from a local native […]

The Best Street Art In The World

Street Art

Presenting the best street art in the world.  Over the past year I have travelled the world while day trading and writing my blog. I’ve met amazing people, including the one and only Wandering Trader, Marcello Arrambide. I’ve also fallen deeply in love with street art. It’s not an exaggeration  I’ve taken thousands of photos of […]

Parliament Hill in Colors: Ottawa, Canada

Parliament Hill Ottawa

Parliament Hill is dressed up in the summer with the Mosaika music and light show.  A large group of people come to the freshly manicured grounds of Canada’s capital to see the show.  The show was quite impressive and it was amazing to see the drastic differences between the building at night and during the […]

Tongariki Moai Statues: Easter Island

Easter Island

The most famous of all the Moai Statues on Easter Island.  The Tongariki Ahu complex comprises 15 statues that stand on the southeast part of the island.  These statues above were actually toppled and then carried inland by a tsunami that was caused by an earthquake in 1960.  One of the statues weighs in at […]

People Of India: Varanasi Edition Photo Essay

The Captain of the Ship

The people of India are some of the warmest, kindest, and understanding people that you could ever meet.  It is in their culture to accept what is and what isn’t.  There are many different ways to travel and all of them correct in their own form.  One of the aspects of travel that is most […]

Gaudi’s Famous Lizard: Parc Güell, Barcelona

Parc Güell Dragon In Barcelona

The famous lizard in Barcelona is actually known as “El Drac”, or the dragon, which was made in collaboration with Joseph Maria Jujo. The park is quite a ways out of the city but if one purchases a pass on the bus tours they will drop you off a few blocks shy of the park.  […]

Sunset At Easter Island: Ahu Tahai

Easter Island Ahu Tahai

The Ahu Tahai are one of the smaller set of Moai statues that are found on Easter Island.  Found on the eastern part of the Easter Island, otherwise known as Rapa Nui, it provides one of the most beautiful views at sunset.  We aren’t fully sure what the Moai were used for but some suspect […]